Friday, 4 November 2011

Cakes and Moving Home.

I had to visit Robert White Photographic today. Always a friendly welcome and if I behave myself a cup of tea. Today was no different, an excellent cuppa and a chit chat about the up coming Jeremy Walker/ Robert White workshop in February.

Bonus.  The Nikon man turned up with a huge bag of cream buns ( I only had one, honest .)

The main reason for visiting Robert White was to return a huge box of LEE Filters to the LEE man, ( I could have sold them on e-bay and then bought my own tropical island, I didn't. ) I have to point out these weren't faulty filters, but the ones we used on  the LEE Snowdonia workshop being returned for cleaning.

As I left my house a huge spider fell ( or was he pushed ? ) into the box of filters. This spider was massive, huge. Anyhow, he now has a new home and friends somewhere in a warm factory unit in Andover.

If Andover is being over run by arachnids this evening it's nothing to do with me.